WHY does the State of Connecticut regulate food related fats, oils and greases?

The State of Connecticut regulates wastewater discharges from businesses and facilities that prepare and/or serve food and generate fats, oils and/or grease, known as FOG.

When FOG is washed down the drain from rinsing or washing cookware and utensils, or by other means, the FOG in the wastewater can negatively impact your building's plumbing and the local sewage collection systems.

Fats, oils, and grease poured down the drain can solidify in sewer pipes, just as bacon grease solidifies as it cools.  Uncontrolled or inadequately controlled discharges of FOG to the sanitary sewer can cause sewer line clogs which can lead to sewage backup and/or raw sewage overflows that can impact public health.

The Connecticut Dept. of Energy & Environmental Protection (DEEP) developed the General Permit for the Discharge of Wastewater Associated with Food Services Establishments (FOG General Permit) to address FOG in wastewater and help reduce raw sewage overflows.

A copy of the State of CT FOG General Permit can be found here:

FOG General Permit

Clogged pipe with fats oils and grease
Clogged pipe
photo provided by CTDEEP

Who is regulated under the FOG General Permit?

If you are a Class 3 or 4 commercial Food Service Establishment (FSE), as defined by the CT Public Health Codes, and you discharge to a sanitary sewer, you are required to comply with the FOG General Permit.  Class 3 and 4 FSEs include, but are not limited to:

  • Restaurants
  • Hotel kitchens
  • Hospitals and school cafeterias
  • Taverns and cafes
  • Factory cafeterias
  • Church kitchens
  • Bakeries
  • Special club kitchens

Note that, if you are a Class 1 or 2 FSE you are not required to comply with the FOG General Permit because your establishment should not generate significant FOG discharges.  Class 1 and 2 FSEs are retail food service businesses that only offer commercially pre-packaged foods, foods that are heated and immediately served (no, or limited, holding time), and other food that does not require hot or cold holding or are temperature controlled for safety (see link below).  Each FSE must work with the local health department to determine their classification under the Public Health Codes.

CT Dept of Health on Food Protection/Safety:

CT Dept of Health Food Safety

Typically, Class 3 and 4 FSEs generate wastewater containing FOG related to cooking, food and drink preparation, and meat preparation.  Obvious sources of FOG include:

  • Residual cooking oils
  • Shortening
  • Drippings from meat preparation

Less obvious sources of FOG include:

  • Butter
  • Margarine
  • Sauces
  • Salad dressing
  • Condiments
  • Dairy products

ACTION ITEM:  Be sure you have reviewed the Public Health Code carefully to determine your FSE Class and check with the Eastern Highland Health District (EHHD) if you are unsure which FSE Class applies to your business or facility.

Eastern Highland Health District (EHHD) link on Food Service:

EHHD Food Service


Person using Automatic Grease Removal Unit (ARU) in a food establishment.
Automatic Grease Removal Unit (AGRU) picture provided by CTDEEP

HOW can I comply with the FOG General Permit?

When you apply for a food service establishment license with the Town of Mansfield/EHHD, you should be directed to the UConn Environmental Health & Safety website for additional FOG Program information.

ACTION ITEM:  A Class 3 and 4 FSEs that discharge to sewer in the Storrs area must complete a UConn FOG Pretreatment Program Registration Form (below) for every food service facility, because UConn is the "Authorized Agent" for the local (Storrs-Mansfield) water pollution control authority.

UConn EHS Wastewater webpage with link to FOG Registration Form:

FOG Registration Form

Submittal of a Registration Form to UConn EHS is required when:

  • A new business opens that is a Class 3 or 4 FSE
  • When a FSE substantially changes their menu
  • When an FSE has a change in ownership

ACTION ITEM:  Also, each qualifying FSE must renew a Registration Form every 3 years, even if food service operations and menus have not changed at a given location.

Operating a Class 3 or 4 FSE and discharging wastewater to the sanitary sewer in the Storrs area without an approved UConn Registration Form is a violation of Rules and Regulations of the UConn Sewer System.

UConn staff will review each Registration Form and issue an approval letter or a letter outlining FOG equipment deficiencies that must be corrected before an approval is issued.


FOG Program Administration and Contact Information

The FOG Program is administered jointly by UConn EHS, UConn Facilities Operations, EHHD, and the Town of Mansfield Engineer's office.  These University, State and Town offices/agencies work together to ensure compliance with the State FOG General Permit as it applies to Storrs area food services establishments.

You may contact UConn EHS staff with questions on FOG Registration Forms and to check on the status of approvals.

UConn EHS Contact: Paul Ferri paul.ferri@uconn.edu, 860-486-9295

You may contact UConn Facilities Operations staff with questions on Rules and Regulations of the UConn Sewer System.  UConn Facilities Operations should also be contacted if a sewer line appears to be clogged or raw sewage is backing up into your business/facility.

Facilities Operations Contact: Katie Milardo katie.milardo@uconn.edu, 860-486-8745

Questions regarding your Department of Public Health license to operate a food service establishment, or other Public Health Code questions, should be directed to EHHD Chief Sanitarian.

EHHD Contact: Lynette Swanson swansonls@ehhd.org, 860-429-3325

Links to FOG Related Service Providers

Grease Trap Pump-Out Services:

  1. Skip's Wastewater Services - https://skipswastewater.com/
  2. ADB Construction and Septic - https://www.adbseptic.com/
  3. Wind River Environmental - https://www.wrenvironmental.com/
  4. Sanitrol Services, LLC - https://sanitrol-ct.com/
  5. Avery Septic Services - https://www.alwaysavery.com/
  6. Suburban Sanitation Services of CT - https://subsanserv.com/
    A grease-clogged sewer pipe and how it can cause sewage overflows.
    A grease-clogged sewer pipe and how it can cause sewage overflows. Provided by CTDEEP

Suppliers for Grease Traps and AGRU Equipment:

  1. Big Dipper AGRU - https://big-dipper.com/products/big-dipper-models
  2. Grease Guardian AGRU -  https://www.greaseguardianusa.com/at-source-grease-removal-systems/