New UConn Employees

Welcome to the University of Connecticut

Hello new faculty, staff, graduate or undergraduate student community member. As a University of Connecticut employee or lab member, we at EHS are your team for workplace safety, whether you will spend your time in labs, on the farm, in kitchens, at a desk in front of a computer, or any of the other diverse spaces that work happens on our campuses. Depending on your new role, the type and frequency of connections you can expect to have with our office will vary substantially. However, no matter who you are and where you work at UConn Storrs and/or any of our regional campuses, we're here to serve you. If you ever have any questions or concerns about your workplace safety, please don't hesitate to email We'll direct you to the right person to support your unique needs.

Where to Start: New Employee Safety Training Steps

1) Complete an Employee Safety Training Assessment (ESTA) with your supervisor using your area's Workplace Hazard Assessment (WHA) as soon as possible to learn which safety training courses are appropriate for your new position.

2) With your supervisor’s support, register for and complete EHS safety training.

Additional Resources

Are you a new Adjunct Faculty member? Follow this link for an important video, University Policies and Procedures: An Overview for Adjunct Faculty

For additional resources see the University of Connecticut' s Human Resources new employee page.