The Radiation Safety Committee (RSC) ensures that the University is in compliance with radiation safety regulations issued by Federal and State agencies and with University policies. The RSC establishes radiation protection policies; and provides direction to the Radiation Safety Officer (RSO) on radiation safety matters. The RSC reviews the ionizing radiation safety program for radiation sources at the University. Instances of alleged program infraction are reviewed with the RSO and the responsible individuals. According to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC), the RSC is the local authority having jurisdiction over ionizing radiation sources and activities at all University of Connecticut campuses with the exception of the Health Center, which has its own operational program.
The Radiation Safety Committee (RSC) members are appointed by University Administration and include representatives of the UConn radiation research community, in addition to representation from the University’s Administration. The Radiation Safety Officer is a member of the Committee. Members are appointed for a three-year term and may be reappointed. The Chairperson is elected by a majority of the Committee members for a three-year term. The Committee shall meet at least four times each year.
Nathan Alder, Chair | Professor, Molecular & Cell Biology
Ashis Basu | Professor, Chemistry
Amy Courchesne | Radiation Safety Officer and Manager, Environmental Health and Safety
Brent Lewchik | (ex officio) Director, Environmental Health and Safety
Xiuling Lu, Vice Chair | Professor, Pharmaceutical Science
James Mahoney | Executive Program Director, CT Transportation Institute
Daniela Morales | Assistant Research Professor, Materials Science Institute
Rachel O'Neill | Director & Professor, Systems Genomics Institute
Michael Centola | (ex-officio) Associate Vice President for Research Integrity
Karen More | (ex officio) Director, Research Compliance
Cindy Hall, Committee Secretary | Administrative Services Specialist, Environmental Health and Safety