Laser Safety Committee

The University of Connecticut Laser Safety Committee (LSC) is the principal technical advisory body for all laser safety issues for the Storrs and regional campuses. The LSC, within the scope of its responsibilities, shall define and evaluate laser safety compliance with all appropriate Federal and State regulations, and University of Connecticut policies and procedures. The Committee may, as needed, draw upon member and guest subject matter expertise to assist in evaluation of unique laser safety situations. The Committee reports to the Vice President for Research (VPR).

Duties and responsibilities of the committee are:

  1. Establish and maintain adequate policies and practices for the evaluation and control of laser hazards within the University.
  2. Make recommendations for appropriate laser safety training programs and materials and standard operating procedures.
  3. Maintain an awareness of all applicable new or revised laser safety standards.
  4. Facilitate compliance within their respective Departments with laser safety standards, including federal and state regulations, and non-regulatory standards as outlined in the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) Z136 series of laser safety standards.
  5. Review reports from the Laser Safety Officer (LSO) or other individuals with delegated responsibilities for health and safety practices of the University involving laser radiation sources, including personnel training records, laser hazard control measures, laser safety inspections, and other matters concerning use and operational hazards of lasers.
  6. Assist in investigating alleged infractions of safety rules or improper use of laser equipment brought to its attention by the LSO or other responsible personnel, and recommend remedial action to correct such infractions.

The University of Connecticut Laser Safety Committee will consist of members with expertise in laser technology or in the assessment of laser hazards representing departments possessing Class 3B or Class 4 lasers. The Chair and Department representatives are appointed or removed by, and the committee is directly responsible to, the VPR. A representative from the University's Administration and the Director of Environmental Health and Safety shall be ex officio members. Ex officio members are non-voting members attending in a permanent advisory capacity. The LSO or Deputy LSO, if one is appointed by the LSO, shall be a voting member of the committee. Members are appointed for a three-year term and may be reappointed. The LSC shall meet a minimum of twice per year. A quorum will consist of at least fifty percent of all appointed Committee members. The LSC Secretary shall be appointed by the VPR. Approved minutes of LSC meetings will be submitted to the VPR.


Peter Babin Deputy Laser Safety Officer, Radiation Safety Specialist, Environmental Health and Safety
Amy Courchesne Radiation Safety Manager, Environmental Health and Safety
Bridget Holohan Research Assistant, Marine Sciences, Avery Point
Patrick Kumavor (Chair) Associate Professor in Residence, Biomedical Engineering
Brent Lewchik
Director, Environmental Health and Safety (ex officio)
Kevin Lindstrom Graduate Student, Physics
Karen Moré Director, Research Compliance Services (ex officio) 
David Perry Academic Assistant, Physics
Tobias Saule Research Scientist, Physics
Sina Shabazmohamadi Assistant Professor, Biomedical Engineering
Brianna Sullivan Laser Safety Officer, Radiation Safety Senior Specialist, Environmental Health and Safety
Jing Zhao (Vice Chair) Associate Professor, Chemistry
Cindy Hall Committee Secretary, Environmental Health and Safety