Environmental Health and Safety Committee

The Environmental Health and Safety Committee has a diverse membership appointed by the Associate Vice President of University Safety. Members represent the Administration, faculty and staff collective bargaining units, and students of the University of Connecticut’s Storrs and regional campuses, and the Law School. The Committee meets quarterly, as mandated by CT General Statue 31-40v, “Establishment of Safety and Health Committees by Certain Employers,” to fulfill its functions and responsibilities. It is charged with, but not limited to, establishing procedures for sharing ideas with the employer concerning:

  1. Safety Inspections;
  2. Investigating safety incidents, accidents, illnesses, and deaths;
  3. Evaluating accident and illness prevention programs;
  4. Establishing training programs for the identification and reduction of hazards in the workplace which damage the reproductive system of employees; and
  5. Establishing training programs to assist committee members in understanding and identifying the effects of employee substance abuse on workplace accidents and safety.

As such, the committee’s functions include:

  • Reviewing and discussing injury and illness reports
  • Providing feedback on safety-related material provided by EHS and HR
  • Reviewing and discussing health and safety suggestions from employees
  • Recommending actions to resolve health and safety concerns


The members of the UConn Environmental Health and Safety Committee shall be nominated by their organizational leadership and appointed by the Associate Vice President of University Safety. The Chair and Vice Chair shall be elected by the committee membership. The following groups shall have representatives on the Committee: Each collective bargaining unit; Facilities Operations; University Planning, Design and Construction; UConn Fire Department; Procurement Services; Student Affairs; student representatives, and representatives from each of the regional campuses. Representatives serving in an ex officio capacity shall include managerial/confidential staff in Environmental Health and Safety, Human Resources, and the Office of the Vice President for Research.  Representatives from other departments shall be appointed as deemed necessary. Members shall serve a term of three years, which can be renewed for multiple terms. The Chair of the Committee shall be a voting member, and the Committee shall meet quarterly.

Stephanie Marks, Chair UCPEA / Facilities Operations / Logistics
Michael O'Dea, Vice Chair
Student Affairs / Dining Services
Dafhne Aguirre AAUP
Walter Foular CEUI, NP-2
Glen Mathieu Manager, Regional Campuses
Jennifer Williams Environmental Health and Safety / Environmental
Richard Kula Environmental Health and Safety / Occupational
Thomas Reichardt Facilities Operations / Academic Renovations
Fiona de Merell UCPEA
Anne Mirich GEU-UAW
James Missell Hartford / Law School
Lisa Mieszkowicz Procurement Services
Neil Prendergast Protective Services, NP-5 / UConn Fire Department
Alisa Geller Student Affairs / Residential Life
Tina McCarthy Student Affairs / Student Health and Wellness
Andy Zhang Undergraduate Student Government
Sandra Shea-Crabb University Planning, Design and Construction
Craig Wallett Waterbury / Stamford Campus
Brent Lewchik, ex officio Environmental Health and Safety/Administration
Valerie Brangan, ex officio Environmental Health and Safety / Occupational
Tiffanie Roback, ex officio Human Resources / Workers' Compensation
Karen Moré, ex officio Office of the Vice President for Research / Research Compliance
Dawn Kemp, Secretary Environmental Health and Safety