Chemical Hygiene Committee

The purpose of the Chemical Hygiene Committee (CHC) is to review, recommend, and develop policies and procedures to establish safe work practices involving laboratory chemicals. The committee shall report to the Associate Vice President of Research Integrity and derive its authority from the Vice President for Research (VPR). The VPR appoints committee members and the chair. The committee shall be composed of members from representative departments operating laboratories (research and teaching) in which hazardous chemicals are used, and representatives from Environmental Health & Safety. In implementing their charge, the committee shall use as a model the Department of Labor – Occupational Safety and Health Administration “Laboratory Standard”, 29 CFR 1910.1450 and any applicable standards or guidelines included therein by reference. Specifically, the committee shall:
  1. Review and provide input on Standard Operating Procedures for the use of hazardous chemicals.
  2. Review reports of chemical spills and other emergency laboratory situations and provide input on any mechanisms to improve safety and emergency response.
  3. Review and provide input regarding the content and scheduling of training programs for laboratory personnel.
  4. Review and provide input for the Chemical Hygiene Plan.
  5. Review and provide input into the Chemical Inventory System.


Doug Adamson Chemistry / IMS
Mary Anne Amalaradjou Animal Science
Raman Bahal Pharmaceutical Science
Garry Barnes Center for Clean Energy Engineering
Christian Brueckner Chemistry
Paul Bureau Continuing Studies
Craig Calvert Operations and Information Management
Ock Chun Nutritional Sciences
Steven Garvin, ex officio Office of the Fire Marshal and Building Inspector
Cindy Hall, Committee Secretary Environmental Health and Safety
Brent Lewchik Environmental Health and Safety
Linda McCollam-Guilani Biology Central Services
Karen Moré, ex officio Research Compliance